How To Become A Good Content Writer - 5 Simplest and Easiest Skills To Improve Your Content Writing - GrantingSkills


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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

How To Become A Good Content Writer - 5 Simplest and Easiest Skills To Improve Your Content Writing

What's the skill that help us in efficient and proficient writing?
Yes!Content writing. But it is very complicated to get a hold of this skill. Here are all the things you need to know about Content Writing,

  • What Is Content Writing?
  • Importance Of Content Writing
  • How To Start Content Writing?
  • Skills Required To Improve Content Writing
  • Scope of Content Writing 

1) What Is Content Writing?

Content writing is the art of writing, planning, analyzing and summarizing. It includes articles and blog writings. It also includes scripts for videos and writing content for websites like Upwork, Guru and Fiverr.

2)Importance Of Content Writing

Content writing is as much as important as honey is important for bees. Funny thing right?
However, it is of great importance. It determines a person's creativity and knowledge. If one wants to write a blog or an article in a newspaper, content writing is very much important. In fact, it is important in : 
  • Article Writing
  • Blog Writing
  • Technical Writing
  • Business Email Writing
  • Copy Writing 
  • SEO Writing
  • Newsletter
  • E-books
  • Academic Writing
  • White papers
  • Website Content Writing
  • Product Descriptions
Surprised to see this much importance, Right?
 Now we will explain all types of content writing,

Article Writing  :

It means writing an article. An article is basically written for large audiences. The main purpose of writing an article is that it should be published in either newspapers or magazines or journals. The article can be about any news, product or about anything one finds interesting. One can write an ideal article by 
  •     Keeping It Summarized And Concise
  •     Avoiding Grammar And Spelling Mistakes
  •     Practicing
  •     Making It Comprehensive
  •     Making t Simple

Blog Writing  :

 It means writing a blog. A blog is basically writing about something that interests you. You could say that writing blogs is like writing your own digital diary. But what IS a blog? A blog is a type of website on which an individual or a company posts about their chosen topics. A Blog basically your own website. The article posted on blogs is usually termed as blog writing. Now an ideal blog writing consists of                    
  • Comprehensive 
  • Simple
  • Contains Headings and Titles

SEO Writing :

SEO means "Search Engine Optimization" It means special keywords provided by the search engines(e.g Google) which make it in top of the searches. For example, if I am writing a blog about graphic designing than the heading I should use should be one that is provided by the search engine i.e "Graphic Designing". Now the formula for writing an "SEO Friendly" article or blog is "To make sure the title is same as the one provided by the search engine optimization"

 Academic Writing :

Academic writing is the writing which is usually a part of academics. It may be about university projects or some specific academic assignments, projects or contests, etc. It requires creativity and knowledge for better writing.

Website Content Writing :

It means writing some specific articles about some specific topics. It should be easy to read and can be humorous depending upon the topic given.

Product Descriptions :

 It includes writing about some specific product you want to sell or about any video you have uploaded e.g on "YouTube" or on "Daily motion".

Technical Writing : 

 It is the writing about technology such as computers, mobiles,laptops, etc.

E-Books :

 E-books mean Electronic Books. E-Books are the books that are available as plain text on computers, laptops, and mobiles. Writing E-Books has a vast scope in the freelancing market.

Newsletter :

 It is writing about all types of news. The news that is generally occurring in our surroundings includes in it.

Whitepapers :

It is about finding problems in some articles and suggesting some suitable solution for the problem.

Business Email Writing :

 It is the writing about your company in order to introduce yourself or to promote a new product.

Copy Writing :

It is the writing for advertising of any of the product or websites or anything else. It also has a vast scope in freelancing market.

3) How To Start Content Writing?

The BEST ways to start content writing are
  • Attractive  Headline/Title
  • Unique Start
  • Conciseness
  • Extensive Study OF Topic
  • Recheck Your work

  1. Attractive  Headline/Title :

You should be careful in order to catch the reader's attention because the reader will only view your content if he finds the title interesting. Content writing should be simple and eye-catcher.

      2.Unique Start :

 You only have a couple of seconds to grab the reader's attention and to make him read your whole content. Therefore you should try to write a mind-blowing start.

      3.Conciseness :

 It is an important thing to recognize. The reader does not have any extra time to view your whole content. Therefore try to stay on the topic and to make it as much concise as it can.

     4.Extensive Study :

You can only write good if you have the knowledge of what you are writing. Try to give as much information as you can.

     5. Recheck Your Work :

When you have done your writing try to recheck it to point out all the mistakes and to make it more presentable.

By following these ways one can write extraordinary content and can also be able to write professionally and proficiently

4) Skills Required To Improve Content Writing :

We are going to talk about 5 MOST important skills required to improve content writing :
  • Try Different Writing Types
  • Throughout Study Of The Topic
  • Avoid Grammar And Spelling Mistakes
  • Focus On The Topic
  • Never Consider Yourself Perfect

  1. Try Different Writing Types :

Consider yourself as a cook. If you cook the same recipe again and again then, at last, you will found yourself disliking the recipe. The same is the case for content writing. If you are an expert in article writing its good, in fact, it's fantastic. But it doesn't mean you don't have to try to be an expert in other types of writing. It's the only way you can improve your skills. 
Albert Einstein said :
" Insanity : Doing the same thing again and again
 and expecting different results "

 2. Throughout Study of the Topic :

One can only write well if he/she has the content to write. Therefore it is mandatory to study your relevant topic and to dig in the study of the topic. You should try to study more than the rest of the writers. You should study the facts and myths of the topic. If you can add statics about the topic then add it right away. It improves your knowledge and attracts the viewer.

       3. Avoid Grammar and Spelling Mistakes :

When you have written your content review it two or three times. Point out your mistakes and try to be as precise as you can.

       4. Focus On The Topic :

This is an important point in order to improve your writing skills. When writing makes sure to take care of conciseness and write it to the point. Summarize it as much as you can. Try to use simple words in your writing.

      5. Never Consider Yourself Perfect :

 You are not perfect! Make sure you heard it right! Humans are bound to make mistakes. Now what's supposed to be done is to learn from your mistakes and try to write again and again till you are sure that the article was written is best. But never be overconfident. If you do that then you will never be able to improve yourself.


5) Scope Of Content Writing 

Content writing from the last decade has been in high demand. A content writer typically earns about $50 per hour on freelancing market places. There are two types of freelancing market places. Content writing is available in both types. These are

  • Traditional Freelancing
  • Non-Traditional Freelancing

  1. Traditional Freelancing :

In this type, content writers have to bid on the given project in order to earn money. The most famous websites are
  • Upwork

  • Freelancer
  • Guru 

Content Writers can easily find work here and can earn a handful amount of money.

      2.Non-Traditional Freelancing :

In this type, buyers see the profile of the content writers and then hire them for there projects. The most famous website is 
  •  Fiverr

Content writers are currently at high demand on this website.


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